Friday, March 6, 2009

me2everyone - it is a liability, not an asset

In recent weeks, there seems to have been an explosion in the world of viral marketing. With e-mails, IMs, twitters, blogs and what have you from people you barely know, telling you that "something incredible has arrived!". That is, a company called me2everyone is giving away company shares.

After making a comment at and looking further into this "something incredible", things are indeed becoming a bit too incredible. For instance, as a registered UK Private Limited Company, it cannot offer shares publicly[1]. Yet, me2everyone Limited is offering shares to members signing up at its website at

Now let us pretend that through some quirkiness of British law, the company is allowed to offer shares as they are doing now. The Terms & Conditions at the website contains an important section regarding those shares (quoted directly):
We confirm that me2everyone or one of our connected partner will pay the par value on each of these shares and that you will not be liable for any payment for the shares.
A quick read and your first thoughts might be "Oh, I don't have to pay for these. Cool!". That is not the case however. The terms and conditions clearly state "... me2everyone or..." and "... will pay...". It does not state anywhere that the shares are already paid for, just that they will be paid some time in the future by someone me2everyone is not even sure of yet!

So what does that mean to you? It means that as long as you are the owner of these shares and they are not paid for, you will be liable for paying for them. Simply put: they are a liability, not an asset.

For example, let's say you have earned yourself a million of these £0.001-valued shares, and a week later me2everyone goes into debt. As your shares are not paid up, you will be asked to pay for them -- and it is one of the first things debtors will go after to reclaim their losses. And remember, even if you had a share physically in your possession, it does not mean it has been paid up.

Given that, one million x £0.001 is a thousand UK Pounds. For many, this is quite a lot of money. Now multiply that by me2everyone's allotted shares (18 billion), and they can rake in at least 18 million UK Pounds from the gullible people that have signed up and received shares.


The owner of me2everyone Limited operates from LoreKai House, which literally is a house: a modest semi-detached bungalow[5] located on a quiet cul-de-sac in Bridge, Kent, UKmap. A quick search found that a company Lorekai Limited is also registered at this address.

Lorekai Limited changed its name from Schools Enhancement Network Limited in November of 2006[2] (the same year Lorekai House was purchased[3]). The registered office for Schools Enhancement Network Limited at that time was located at 30 King Street, Tredegar, Blaenau Gwent NP22, UK[4] map.

After the name change to Lorekai Limited, the registered office was at the Albion House, 163-167 King Street, Durkinfield, Chesire, SK16 4LF, UKmap until the 15th of July 2008 when it was changed to its current address (Lorekai House).

Lorekai Limited has its current prinicipal business listed as Activities of households as employers of domestic staff[4]. The company has not been required to publish its accounts in the past, which can only be if the annual turnover is £5.6 million or less AND the balance sheet is £2.8 million or less[6].

Currently, Lorekai Limited is overdue for both its annual return (since 18th of February 2009) and for its accounts (since 30th of November 2008). Companies House has changed Lorekai Limited status to Active - Proposal to Strike off[7].

On the 11th of November 2008 director Estelle Evans resigned and was replaced by Lorekai Pte Limited of 20 Cecil St, #14-01, Equity Plaza, Singapore 049705.[7]

Lorekai Pte Limited was formed on Lorekai's behalf by a company called Rikvin. Rikvin specialises in the formation of new businesses mainly for the purpose of obtaining a EntrePass Visa, which entitles entrepreneurs with companies in Singapore to reside there.

Xen Academy

Some of me2everyone's e-mails sent out by its members mention World Park and Xen Academy.

Indeed, Lorekai Limited is closely associated with Xen Academy Limited. Xen Academy Limited began its life in 1999 as a Private Limited Company under the England & Wales Companies House registration #03721979[8], and was located at Chester House, 11-13 St. Peters Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, OL6 7TG, UKmap.

The company stopped official business in June of 2002 and published its last annual return to the Companies House in 2004, exempt from having to make them public. In 2006, the Companies House struck Xen Acadamy Limited from its records as dissolved[8].

The Xen Acadamy website, which still exists at, lists Xen Administration Centre c/o LoreKai Limited at the address 163-167 King Street, Durkinfield, Chesire, SK16 4LF, UK (LoreKai Limited's address prior to June 2008) and is seeking information in order to compensate its members, with a maximum of £700,000. Where these compensations will come from is quoted directly from said website:
"Once done there are two ways forward: we can create a new "XEN" company, with assets and an income stream, where members have shares pro-rata to their losses in the old Xen. Or alternatively we can provide assets and an income stream directly to members. These assets will come from new trading within the LoreKai / World Park group."
World Park

World Park Limited is currently registered at the same address as Lorekai Limited under the Enland & Wales Companies House registration number #06329162[9]. It is also a Private Limited Company, which was founded in July of 2007.

World Park Limited advertised in February 2008 that it was seeking investments of a minimum US$250,000 to create "a new resort on a 22000 hectare estate in Namibia". The contact persons listed are David Cundill and Michael Leonard.[10]

The details of World Park Limited are otherwise not as detailed. Its website is currently a placeholder for RackSpace, a web hosting provider. However the Internet Archive Wayback Machine shows a web page for the 7th of February 2005 (prior to the Lorekai Limited name change) with the following contact details[11]: LoreKai Limited, Dept WP, 3000 Aviator Way Manchester, M22 4TG, Phone: +44 870 734 5700, E-mail:

The address, 3000 Aviator Way is a building owned by Regus, a company that specialises in virtual offices around the world.

Schools Enhancement Network

The website listed on's arvhived website,, is no longer in existence, however the Internet Archive Wayback Machine shows several pages for The Schools Enhanchement Network, Ltd. [12] (the company name of Lorekai Limited prior to its change). Its main page of June 10th 2006 is quoted:

"Launched in 2006, the Schools Enhancement Network aims to deliver new financial resources into schools across the UK. This will be achieved through a fresh energy efficiency initiative and a powerful new market awareness drive linking into local business.

Our full-feature website launches in May 2006 giving teachers, parents, pupils, businesses and members of the community a dynamic and exciting place to improve innovation and make real lasting changes to education in the United Kingdom."

The last record page for this website was 1st of February 2007, containing the same page as the the one created June 2006.

As mentioned earlier, Lorekai Limited changed its director to Lorekai Pte Limited of Singapore (a company can be a director, such as a holding company for example). LoreKai Pte Limited of Singapore is also the director of me2everyone Limited, and owns It supposedly connects its members to entrepeneurs, allowing the members to provide loans repayable in 6 to 18 months.

While the main site is currently "closed for 2 months", various other webites give some insight into this company, such as the original web designer for the website[13], Creative Mediapulse. There, is boasting a featured project that appears to be quite similar to World Park:
"Imagine walking on a 54000 acre estate to see a giraffe drinking from the pool. Imagine being in a luxury villa just a few hundred yards from the signature golf course. Imagine real tranquility on an estate that created $1.4bn in revenues."
Furthermore, the website's FAQ associates the entrepreneurs with the Complete Earth Foundation registered in the Bahamas and the following people:
  • Michael Leonard (Founder)
  • Estelle Evans (Assistant Director)
  • Neal Evans (Director)
  • David Lewis (Company Secretary)
  • Ragini Dhanvantray (Director)
  • Bob Manes (Director LoreKai USA)
  • Alan McDonald (Special Advisor - UK)
  • Alan Clements (Special Advisor - UK)
  • Tim Fielding (Special Advisor - Australia)
  • Maureen Foers OBE (Special Advisor - UK)
  • Abdelrahman Fares (Special Advisor - Jordan)
  • Barry Tait (Special Advisor - NAFTA)
  • Boulat Rafikov (Special Advisor - Africa)
  • Raju Mathani (Special Advisor - Chile)
  • Sam Davidson (Special Advisor – Western Europe)
Some of the people

Michael Leonard is mentioned as the founder of and me2everyone Limited. Michael Leonard is also the registered contact for the Lorekai Pte Limited.

Estelle Evans used to be the Director of Lorekai Limited[7] before being replaced by Lorekai Pte Limited. Estelle is apparently the wife of Neal Evans. A Plaxo page under the name Neal & Estelle Evans[14] shows Dave Cundill as one of the connections.

Dave Cundill was one of the two mentioned contact persons for investments in World Park Limited[10]. Dave Cundill is also part of the me2everyone Ripple Team[15].

Ragini Dhanvantray is the CEO of Rikvin[16], a company that specialises in the formation of companies for the purpose of an EntrePass Visa in Singapore. It am not sure if Ms. Ragini was rightfully mentioned as one of the directors. During the formation of a company through a third party, a temporary director appointed by this third party until the client takes over this position. This is to speed up the paperwork process for new company formations (as the temporary director can sign all the documents required on the client's behalf).

David Lewis is listed as the technical contact for's domain name, as well as the actual property owner of Lorekai House.

Bob Manes was the president of MoonCell, Inc. of 206 Tyler Von Way, Fredericksburg, VA 22405 USAmap. MoonCell focused on "integrated wind-solar energy units and advanced LED luminaries for use at the small to medium scale"[17].

MoonCell appeared to be quite operational in 2004, with a government contract for solar electric power systems valued at US$27,210 and indoor/outdoor electric lightning fixtures valued at US$ 96,000[18] [19]. This in contradiction to Xen Academy's remark, quoted from "... in 2002 one of those technologies (MoonCell) collapsed and Xen's future (so tightly connected to MoonCell) seemed bleak. Two years later trade creditors refused to accept a repayment package and suddenly Xen herself was no more".

Although mentions a LoreKai USA, there is no such entity, thus its unlikely Bob Manes was actually appointed as the director. MoonCell, Inc. ceased its operations in 2007[20]

Maureen Foers OBE, also mentioned in me2everyone documentation and emails, is the Managing Director of Durban Ltd., a company that focuses on business support and development. She is also a Director of the Humber Economic Partnership. Maureen Foers is also listed as director of me2everyone Limited as of 6th March 2009.

There is no known Complete Earth Foundation, though registrations details in the Bahamas, like other off-shore registrations, are difficult to obtain.

Note: All the mentioned details were found in the public, and the references are provided below. You are to draw your own conclusions regarding any of these companies.


[1]: Section 755, paragraph 1 of the Companies Act 2006: "A private company limited by shares or limited by guarantee and having a share capital must not— (a) offer to the public any securities of the company, or (b) allot or agree to allot any securities of the company with a view to their being offered to the public." - Source:
[2]: Lorekai Limited name change and details regarding its current principal (core) business:
[3]: Sale Date of 5 Windmill Close, Canterbury is listed as 21/04/2006 - Source:
[4]: Old address of Schools Enhancement Network Limited source:
[5]: A property for sale on Windmill Close, Canterbury:
[6]: Accounts Filing Exemptions "(5) Are there special rules for small and medium-sized groups?" - Source:
[7]: The Companies House document search for Lorekai Limited #05683113:
[8]: The Companies House document search for Xen Academy Limited #03721979 under dissolved companies:
[9]: The Companies House document search for World Park Limited #06329162:
[10]: A Google cached page title "Better Profit for Smart Investors - Entries Tagged as Business Opportunities", with details of "World Park Program:Latest Developments" posted on 20th February 2008 (actual site inoperative):
[11]: Wayback Machine archive for World Park, dated 7th of February 2005:
[12]: Wayback Machine archive for The Schools Enhancement Network, date 10th of June 2006:
[13]: website as created by its web designer:
[14]: Neal & Estelle Public Profile at Plaxo:
[15]: A blog post showing David Cundill as a Ripple Team member:
[16]: Press releases that mention the CEO of Rikvin:
[17]: Details regarding MoonCell, Inc.:
[18]: MoonCell, Inc. government contracts for 2004:
[19]: MoonCell, Inc. government contracts for 2003-2004 (located near the bottom of the page):
[20]: Company changes identified by


  1. What an interesting article well researched
    Thanks for the heads up.

  2. Hm. Intriguing. But until shares are formalised, a legal document of ownership entered into, and (or) the shares listed on a stock market, they remain merely virtual in the fullest sense. There surely can't, at this stage any rate, be any legal liability accruing to 'ownership' of these shares?

  3. ty for taking all the time it must have taken you to get to the bottom of this---i WAS gonna sign up for this---but you opened my eyes---ty---enjoy the day

  4. Interesting
    but dont all companys and people have bad days
    and failures before they hit the mother lode,
    ie the wright bothers had lots of planes fail till they cracked it,
    and as they only virtual shares then prehaps they being far more carefull this ytime around as i dont see a liability till it is floated and you have formally accepted the shares

  5. This was some serious investigation work. I sincerely thank you for that.

    I received an e-mail about me2everyone a few weeks ago and I immediately got suspicious about it. I almost decided to sign up but deep down I knew it couldn't be true, so I wrote up a blog entry detailing why I didn't believe it was true.

    But I only use some arguments based on common sense, not the detailed investigication you performed, which is truly valuable.

    Now I can get back to all those people who were calling me skeptic and present them with some hard facts.

    Thank you very much!

  6. Thank you for all your hard work! I was about to start in on the trail of this thing myself, fearing that users would be ensnared in something that has every hallmark of a scam. Your article came up in my search results, and what a great article! I'll be posting a short blog-blurb with a link to your work. Thanks for all you've done, and nice to meet you:)

  7. Already signed up and recommended it to a few people, but I also posted this link so others can decide.

    Many thanks as very useful. I certainly will be watching them closer and not sign anything away.

    As already said it is only virtual at the moment.

  8. Most successful businesses and entrpreneurs have bankrupcies during their rise to success. what me2everyone is doing is exceptionally clever and being done at just the right time. Alan sugar and richard Branson are 2 notable proofs of this. I will continue to support me2everyone while they find their way through this legal minefield, which is what they are doing now.
    I like many others will not be signing to accept any real world shares until it is quite clear that the shares are legally paid for.
    Don't give up on this one yet.

  9. Let me put it this way , what do you have to loose if you join ? nothing, so stop this bla, bla bla BS any business on the net has a 100% risk, right?
    Those who give up never succeed!
    Those who succeed never give up!

  10. Was told today that Mr Boulat Rafikov was asked for his resignation based on him breaking the rules of the membership agreement. He did resign.

    I would be best if you verified this information in the interestes of presenting an up to date and balanced view of Me2E.

  11. This is truly fascinating. I haven't heard anything about Xen Academy for some time, probably since 2004 and don't even know how I ended up on this site or blog or whatever it is. I was actively interested in Xen Academy during 2003 / 2004 as a friend of mine lost out significantly when MoonCell shares were sold to a USA company and it appears none of the shareholders in the UK were told about it or benefited from it. This is the 'virtual' £700,000 discussed above I think whereby Michael Leonard intended to compensate shareholders. Personally I never believed a word of it. I do remember receiving emails concerning world park and many of the other things mentioned above and I met Michael and Dave Cunhill quite a few times. If 'metoeveryone' is a Michael Leonard thing then I would be very dubious as to it's capability of returning anything to you and it may cost you dear. Leornard was the founder of Xen Academy and all the other World Park, Lorekai, X3600, Quest Group, Beyond Tomorrow, Advanced Concept Corp etc groups plus the truly mindbogglingly useless X-flow 3000 solar powered fan for keeping Africans cool - all things that never went anywhere. Be careful.

  12. Be very careful!! Michael Leonard was the founder of Xen Academy and a lot of people lost money when he sold MoonCell to someone in the USA. No recourse to shareholders he just sold them. He was aslo instrumental in World Park, X-3600, Quest Corp, Beyond Tomorrow, Advanced Concepts Corp and others and the laughable x-flow 3000 solar powered fan to keep Africans cool. None of these made anyone money except maybe Michael although even that may be stretching it a bit. Buyer beware.

  13. At this moment in time its only a virtual biz opp and I have read your comments with some interest. Thankyou for the work you put in but as they say! at this moment in time there's nothing to lose unless you spend your money.
    Nothing has been given away yet and nothing has been accepted.
    I for one will roll the dice and see what happens!!!

  14. Everyone can now verify the status of Me2everyone : PLC or Public Limited Company

    Please go to

    and verify.

    An amount of 25% of the total Shares have been really paid by another Company.

    This issue has been cleared , anyway.

  15. Michael Leonard sold MoonCell to the Americans? Really? Are you sure about those facts? I lost money in MoonCell too but it wasn't because of Michael Leonard. He was the one who championed the shareholders. Oh yes - I received my share allocation in me2everyone so I for one reckon he is an admirable man. He has my respect!

  16. Nice work here!
    Very research and ideias!

    I´m registered at m2e but i´ll keep following your ideas,...

    thanks for your (hard) work :)

    ...many changes at in June. in case you want to register... lolol

    ...they will also talk about "Dubious..." and other questions that members ask.

    Please visit ;) and comment here.

    Just one promise...
    if at some time you change your ideas about m2e, just let us now and help us to grow m2e lolol ;)

  17. Is really me2everyone, change status to PLC ??
    someone help me, i research but i can´t find it... can you give a better link??

  18. He does not have my respect! I was never kept intouch about mooncell. I invested a lot of money in it only to be told 4 months later that the company was to shut down. So where did all the money go! R&D what a joke. Never received any contact from the receiver/liquidators find this rather strange and I had shares in it. So if Mr. Leonard sold Mooncell where is my cut along with all the other investors he took for a ride

  19. admirable? sounds like you are Micheal Leonard.

  20. Why do i get the impression that almost every "Anonymous said" comment is the same person, defending the me2everyone cause. I believe its someone from that company, which clearly is a SCAM!

  21. Very thorough investigation and analysis, I have ever seen about me2everyone.

    I am very optimistic about me2everyone's future. At the moment, the whole process is very transparent but a bit slow.

    Thanks for the important inputs and your very hard work.
